Thursday, August 25, 2011

Despite heart attack during exam, student qualifies for varsity

London: A student suffered a heart attack during an exam in Britain and yet went on to win a place at a university.

Eighteen-year-old Jairaj Chandran collapsed barely 10 minutes into his theology paper.

"I'd only written four lines when my chest got really tight and I had trouble breathing. I asked to go outside, but didn't make it.

"My legs and fingers were numb. It was terrifying," The Sun quoted Chandran as saying.

Chandran had an existing heart condition.

He did not complete the second part of his theology exam, but his earlier grades meant he passed it overall.

Also, an A in Classical Civilisation and B in Maths, helped him to study politics at Sydney University in Australia.

"The doctors said it was probably stress related and I was nervous because theology was one of my worst subjects," said Chandran. IANS

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