Tuesday, April 13, 2010


M.Tech in Nanotechnology Admission 2010 – Amrita University – Amrita Centre for Nanosciences

Introduction: The M. Tech program was started in 2007 as a Nanomedical Sciences Program. Starting this year, 2010, the program will be officially MTech in Nanotechnology with elective offerings that will allow students to specialize in Biological applications or Device technology applications. This innovative research oriented program is now a joint Amrita/Department of Science and Technology (DST) program.

Eligibility: Students seeking to specialize in Biological applications must have either Masters degree in any of the Biological Sciences; including Biotechnology, MBBS, BDS or B. Pharm or B. Tech in Biotechnology or Bioengineering. The students wishing to specialize in Device Applications must have a Masters Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or any of the engineering disciplines.
Admission to the M. Tech program at the Amrita Centre for Nanosciences is announced for the academic year 2010. 20 of 25 selected students will be funded by a prestigious DST fellowship (Rs. 5000 / month). In addition, one student will be funded by a prestigious TATA fellowship (Rs. 10, 000 / month) and another will be funded by a C N R Rao Foundation Fellowship (amount to be announced)

Application Form: For download Application Form Click http://amrita.edu /acns/MTech%20Nanomedical%20Sciences%20Application%20Form%202010.pdf

Application Deadline: April 12, 2010

Amrita Centre for Nanosciences,
M. Tech Admissions,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
AIMS – Ponnekkara P. O, Kochi – 682 041, Kerala

E-mail: researchsecretary(AT)aims.amrita.edu

Contact Number: 0484 – 2858750 / 4008750

Source: http://www.amrita.edu/acns/admissions.php

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